Hey all,
First off, let me start by saying thank you for reading my little snippet about my first home purchase. As of today, my 1st offer was accepted on my first home after searching for what seems like forever! Though I know the number's weren't structured towards a high equity property, I wasn't intending for my first home to be an immediate cash cow, but a long term rental property with little overhead repairs.
To finance the deal, I am using a VA loan for $195k. My bid on the property was $195k w/$6,000 in concessions based on the advice of my Buyers Agent @Colin Smith. Shout out to Colin for helping me with this purchase!
A little about the house: 4 bed, 1-3/4 bath, ranch style home with a great view of those wonderful Mountains from the back yard. With this home, I hope to rent the upstairs rooms (3) to tenants while maintaining the basement as my own private sanctuary.
To make the most out of the limited space that is available, the 2 larger rooms will likely be rented to leased tenants and the smaller room will become an Air BnB/Guest room. At this moment, I believe $550 p/mo for each larger room is a reasonable expectation and likely will have a portion of utilities added. Assuming I can also keep a guest in the 3rd room, I hope to earn about $600 p/mo from this room.
Estimated monthly rent: $1,700 p/mo
Estimated Mortgage Payment: $1,200 p/mo
Potential Cash Flow: $200 - $500 p/mo
Although these numbers are not completely accurate, just knowing the house will likely be a positive cash flow situation has me filled with excitement! My intention is to save any additional income from the home and build a 3-6 month Emergency Fund right away. As the home is expected to have a positive cash flow, I'll also be adding my own monthly "rent" payment into this account.
Well, although I would love to share more about this deal, unfortunately I don't have much further info at the moment. Please feel free to post any questions, comments or concerns as I really love reading everyone's opinions and conversing. As the deal progresses, I will be keeping updates posted.
In the meantime, have a great day everyone!