Michael, thanks for sharing your insight, taking the time to respond to folks and give encouragement.
A few couple responses for the community,
1 – for those that don’t want to scale….don’t. Michael isn’t saying you have to go big. He is just letting the members, who want to go big or have that little voice deep down whispering wow that must be nice to own 1000 units, know there is a way and it might not be as difficult as you think.
2 - I am very familiar with municipal government, in almost every City over 100k population anyone can submit for a proclamation its standard practice. As Michael suggested it doesn’t mean you get one! The Mayor is not out every day looking for productive citizens to give awards to. He/She is typically focused on his Or her family, job and city. Same for the City Manager etc…. the City relies on the community to find these worthy citizens and then reviews the request. Every now and again a not so worthy person may get one, that doesn’t take away from the ones that deserve the recognition.
I don’t know Michael nor can I attests to his character or business expertise good or bad, and this is his first post I have read, just wanted to give some insight.