@Thomas S, Apparently, you didn't fully comprehend what I said in my discussion post. Who are you to tell me to get my life in order first? You take a snapshot of my discussion post, and now your passing negative judgement on me. You don't know me personally, to make those empty assertions about me.
Furthermore, in terms of you stating that I'm bringing nothing to the table, that's factually not accurate. I simply wanted to know and inquire, if the option is available with hard money lenders for 100% financing, with no income verification or W2's.
Contrary, to what you think, but don't know, I have my priorities in order. Additionally, I don't plan on ever working a W2 job again in life. It's a disservice for you to be on this platform spewing negativity. Instead of trying to tear someone down, try to lend a hand up. Unlike you, I'm here to network and build relationships, not destroy them. Just remember, you never know who you may need one day.