@Eric Barnett here are some of my experiences and thoughts:
I originally had started with a LLC, and then upon time, learning of series LLC, created a series . All new acquisitions are directly into the Series LLC, however, in applying for a commercial loan for a multi-family, the bank would not "loan" to a series llc, not the "child" nor the "parent". There are banks that will, however the rates tend to be higher. So with having the original LLC I was able to resolve quickly.
As for closing a deal into a series, use the Series Name (ex: "Name LLC - Series A") at closing. This eliminates the deeding process after a close, also be aware of any loan agreement on re-deeding issues. To help with being anonymous, can do a DBA name on the series A such as "Street Apartments". If you use a property manager that further helps.
As for series llc documents, yes the operating/company agreement would have the series llc each listed or amended to it. Best to have this prior to purchasing so that you can purchase into the series directly.
The trust I think is the best solution should a rental property already exist in your name (especially with a loan on it) and want to move it to the series.
As for accounting it depends if the LLC is sole member or not on Schedules vs K1 and such.
Hope it helps a bit.