Hello Everyone,
I have been lurking around this site for quite a while, but this is the first time I am posting. I know that there are a lot of very talented people on this site so I thought I would look for help here. I just spent the last 2 days at a well known company's 3 day seminar on Real Estate Investing ( I am interested fix & flips and buy & hold). The seminar vaguely touches on investing strategies and slowly builds you up to invest up to 50K for coaching and their "system" for running it like a franchise. I found this very interesting as well as very expensive. I don't have that kind of cash on hand, If I did I would plunk it down on a property. I am not saying that education is not important, it is. They tried to liken their training to a college degree. Whenever I asked a question to the coaches on hand, I was told they cover that in the Mastery Program. That really annoyed me,however I really like the idea of having the "System" in place and I feel I need a coach to help me jumpstart. I also love the idea of having a scope of work, but not sure how to put all these things together. How can I find the information I need to move forward. I am also very interested in J. Scott's house flipping books which I plan to purchase very soon.