Put up your cashflow in the note to buy a lot, solve a cash flow problem, or even buy personal property like a Truck or Boat. Its cash flow, it can be used however the otherside of the transaction agrees to. We are (hopefully) taking an F-250 and Scout 23' center console boat with 225 Yamaha as a down payment on a house we are selling. Depending on the terms of your leveraged note we might take that in exchange.
Everything CAN be exchanged, its just a matter of coming to terms.
There is about $6.6T of based money supply which is essentially cash or cash equivalent. There are over $100T of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. So everyone cannot go to cash at the same time which puts a premium on cash or in other words cash demands a discounted price for non-cash assets. But, if you can exchange one asset for another there is less of a reason for discount because you do not have to go through the cash market. These transactions are also more efficient because there are less steps involved and less fees involved.