I have 3 investment properties with existing mortgage notes.
1 at 4.375%- 17K unpaid principal-(Original 10 yr. note principle= $48,000
1 at 5.75%- 66K unpaid principle (Original 30 yr. note principle= $67,500
1 at 5.375% 63K unpaid principle (Original 30 yr. note principle= $64,875
I would like to pay off loans in 5 to 7 years by adding extra cash to the principle on all loans. Would it make sense to refinance if I am looking to pay down debt in this period of time, considering all the refinance charges? It would seem to be best if I leave the 17K unpaid balance at 4.375% note, alone considering the rate and time left on that loan. Just looking for some advice on how to logistically handle this, or if it is even worth refinancing. When I approached my lender about possibly refinancing, I was told that the rates today would actually be higher. I thought that the rates might be lower with what is going on with the National pandemic.
Thanks for any feedback