Thanks for all the great responses everyone! Lot's of good advice, especially about investing in yourself and education.
Just curious have any of you heard of Ray Dalio's "All Weather Plan"? If so what are your thoughts on it? I bought Tony Robbin's book, "Money, Master the Game" recently and am reading through it. One of the plans he really touts is the All Weather plan...which basically is putting your investment money in these proportions:
30% Stock Market Index Fund
40% in Long-term U.S. Treasury Bonds
15% in Intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds
7.50% in Gold
7.50% in broad Commodity basket
Apparently over the last 80 years if you analyze the data, this investment strategy would have only lost you money 4 separate years, and the WORST loss you would have seen was of the "lose years" was really break even almost, with something like 0.003% of a loss. Over time is has averaged just under 10% returns year after year. This is assuming you rebalance the portfolio at least once a year though to keep the same percentages invested.
The returns seem similar to what you would get with just dumping all your money into an Index fund, but with much less volatility...I'm really considering doing this with the inheritance money. Still want to do some more research before I make a final decision though. What I like about it is, if the stock market is going to have major correction sometime in the near future, this strategy *should* really limit your downside and prevent you losing a ton of money.