The class will really dictate how to manage the property. You can manage D grade rentals in rough areas but in general the most success is from those that manage their own rentals in those areas of town. If you get to a pound t where it's a C grade rental or better you can start to get decent management. You have to look at things from the management perspective to understand this. If the property is in a rough part and only rents for 1000 and is harder to manage than a rental that's double that and it's percentage based they gave to be compensated fir the extra work. No eviction protection so since you gave to settle on someone with and low 600s credit score if you have to go to court they get to charge for their time on that. Also get to charge for turnover work. In higher grades you can get those protections. In general decent pms just don't manage in bad areas. I would call pms and ask them areas they would manage or go on someone websites where you can get an idea from their. I would say air on the side of caution.
What's not going to happen is your going to get good long term pm done for you in rough areas with no other incentives like they are making money more on project management of the renovations. Also more likely you have better rentals which are less hassle. No one is going to subsidize your cash flow on their behalf taking on all that responsibility for what they could have made as a teenager working at McDonald's. As long as you treat things with a level of fairness it will work out. Section 8 is getting harder and harder in the city btw.
You can thread the needle by purchasing the right property but you need someone who really knows the local market. If you need help let me know. Im a realtor and a pm up here.