@Jewel B. yes, clearly too many areas of interest. You're going to have to do some self-refecting on your own skill-set and deepest interests.....and narrow that list down to one or two strategies at most...."try chasing two rabbits....and you'll not catch either one".
As far as dealing with conflicting information. ALWAYS consider the source. Print and online versions of ANY periodical or newspaper, magazine, etc. - they ALL make money off of circulation, readership, clicks online, etc. That's why most headlines can be considered pure click-bait these days. Your example is a great case: INMAN, a well respected source of information in the RE community - yet, look at their headline: "Airbnb Bust is Upon Us!!....a tweet hints at Airbnb's fall. But is it right?" Ridiculous. They get you to click...and then they cover their tails with that final question - "but is it right?" No indication of whose "tweet" they're talking about. And you know that the article will end up saying "it's all local." I challenge you to quickly find 5 other headlines with this EXACT same pattern. They're everywhere - whether it's Redfin....or the Wall Street Journal.
The info you want to hear and listen to is information coming from other investors working and profiting in your local area. (Or trusted sources if out of your area.)