I'm 48 and finally bought my first investment property this year. Ex husband and parents were against the idea based on their limited experience without any education. New BF gave me the push I needed and got me connected to BP.
I happened to lose my W2 job in March and found a role as Disposition Manager at a big local flipping company- so what I've found is that even with only 2 years of really studying and immersing myself into real estate investing strategies, conferences, books, Tony Robbins stuff.... there's a HUGE difference in my level of knowledge and PROFESSIONALISM compared to younger folks I meet.
They have all the drive and energy, but not the experience, not necessarily the people skills or relationship skills. Now my W2 career has been in sales and sales leadership, so I have invested a ton in mastering people skills and communication, deals of all kinds.
This business (real estate investing) is more about the people and how you work with them, communicate, and follow through than age or experience. If you can win over the people, you'll see it's more than numbers on a property. The vision with people is so powerful. That's how I always know who my buyer is, too. They talk about the property with vision and about what it can be.
I am confident that I can grow my portfolio faster with the experience and knowledge that I have gained in life as I have more tolerance for risk with this vast knowledge base. And, it is absolutely possible to kill it later in life with focus, goals and massive, intentional action. (That's the Tony Robbins coming out there!)
Good luck!