Originally posted by @Claude Boiron:
Yes, I know it very well. Ask any questions you'd like, @Tia Terrena.
Thanks Claude, I've been thinking about getting a house downtown. I just don't know if now its a bad time or I should still go in before it really gets bad. I know for a fact in 2013 houses (not condos) are already not cheap, my friend purchased a semi-detached around Ossington and College for $700k, granted it was newly renovated. I've been looking around Christie Park because I know that area. Until this year some tiny detached house was sold over $1M there, I can't tell you how much I just lost it right there. A few people I know holding multiple houses there are not even selling anymore, 2 years ago they were asking for $500k for some run-down semi detached but I didn't take the bite, not I can't get in the game anymore. My thought is condos are not really worth buy and hold for the long run in Toronto. I also don't know how much that new 15% tax is going to affect Toronto because a lot of foreign buyers are still exempt from it. What are your thoughts?