General note ... there are dozens - maybe hundreds - of different on-site wastewater system system types, from basic "conventional" septic systems with a septic tank and gravity driven leach lines to complete package treatment systems (like a miniature municipal wastewater treatment plant). Installed costs range from around $1,500 to over $30k, with $3k-$6k more common for a new system. (Costs obviously vary not only with type and size, but also with location - just like houses).
If you are not able to install a fairly basic system or you have a more complicated system with problems, I strongly suggest getting input from more than one engineer with experience in designing these things (just like multiple opinions from different physicians).
An engineer that is experienced in on-site wastewater system can ascertain a lot using the property address - pulling up aerial imagery, topography, and soils data. Send the engineer the site plan/sketch showing system layout (if existing) and ask for half-hour to discuss options. They will not be able to give definitive answers on layout type and cost, but can give you likely paths that are best to take and associated cost ranges. Do this with 2-4 different engineers. Billing rates for most PE’s doing this type of work would likely be from $75/hr to $150/hr. Speaking with 3 different ones might cost you about $150-$175 and will be money very well spent. Such engineers are not common, but well worth the time spent finding them.
The engineer you hire for the design/repair will probably - but not always - work with a soil scientist (or sometimes a geologist) to develop options.
A good nontechnical information source for homeowners/investors is from the EPA - "".