I saw this post a while back while I was also looking for information on Michael Blank's course. I started my education in the space by reading several of the typically recommended books (Ken Mcelroy's, Steve Berges, Brian Murray, David Lindahl), but after awhile you kind of start to see the same information repeated so I ended up buying the course after I had already purchased the SDA Michael has.
I am pretty close to being done with the course, and from my personal standpoint it has been well worth it. It goes into detail about some of the procedural stuff that no other book I found went over (specifically operating agreements, PPM, How to approach brokers etc). I probably could have googled all of them at some point, but the course really puts it in an organized sequence which is how I learn. I believe the course ultimately sped up my understanding while also provided more up to date information ( a lot of older books are a little outdated on the financing end). Basically I had the feeling after reading several books of "what next", and the course really helps lay out what I needed to do. There is a lot of information on how to analyze the deals which is probably the most important section. I will say that I highly recommend reading several books prior to taking the course to learn some of the basics about Cap Rates, NOI, and operating expenses (and to just gather more knowledge on how others look for value). I would specifically start with Steve Berges book as I found it was the best one. For me I felt that it just helped soaking up more of the knowledge since its mainly a video based course.
If you have any other questions feel free to send a message.