As a new user I am very happy to be sharing conversation with colleages within the real estate industry at large. To the forum moderators congrats on a great job in developing the forum and your positioning on the search engines is awesome. As a new user I do have some concerns though.
When I was registering I had a bit of trouble with the form. Your captcha (the spam protection thing at the bottom of the form) said "who was the first president of the United States ". I of course answered with Hanson 1715-1783 (he was the first President) which as first President defined what all we call those occupying the Oval office Presidents, not King Washington which was the answer I was supposed to use to gain forum acceptance. Enough of the history lesson I am a Canadian national anyway so what do I know.
When I received my email to verify I came back to fill out the user profile and low and behold again I had a little hiccup. Since I live and work (real estate professional) in Panama, Republic of Panama I could not fill the form correctly because I do not live in a State. So I lied I said I am from Panama Wyoming. Now, I am not a geography major but I do not thinnk there is a Panama Wyoming but nevertheless I am here so it was accepted.
I do have a lot to offer this forum as my experience in International Real Estate especially residing in the hottest real estate market in our hemisphere. Is there any way we could have a thread for say Prperties down south like the thread for the neighbours up north eh?