I know it's not pompano but I run a VR I'm Boca and have worked with HomeAway and airnnb.
Now this is just my experience but I personally have had nothing but awful experience with airbnb and nothing short of excellence with HomeAway. You get paid at booking with HA vs having to wait for guest to checkout with bnb.
Service with HA, is very accommodating. I had a guest which sent some really poor vibes after booking. Called HA to explain. No prob. Cancelled the stay, no penalty, no poor remarks. Similar situation with bnb: led to an automated response stating the homeowner cancelled the stay and then they took a cancellation penalty as well.
Airbnb has a newer feature that, if you allow them, they alter your price based on competition so id receive bookings for far less than I originally posted. You control the entire process with HA.
I can go on with actual examples, and you can PM me if you'd like but I'll spare the general audience.
Hope that helps.