Here is an update to my June 8, 2016 post. As previously stated she claimed bankruptcy again for the 4th time on back rent. I spent good money on a lawyer who basically did nothing for us. He did fight for a "prompt cure" meaning the back rent had to be paid in one year vs five. Her attorney agreed to the prompt cure of $316 per month due on the 1st of the month. I knew right away that would mean I wouldn't get my current rent on the first and I didn't, nor did she make the payments to the bankruptcy court. I fired my lawyer and decided that every month she didn't pay the rent by the 5th I would petition the bankruptcy court for a stay. One way or another the bankruptcy court was going to understand what I was dealing with. On October 16th the bankruptcy court met with her to either pay the $632 back payments to the court or the case would be dismissed. Obviously this was another excuse as to why she couldn't pay October rent. She appeared, didn't pay the money and the bankruptcy claim was again dismissed. Bear in mind that this was the 3rd one that she drug me through that was dismissed. Honestly you can't make this stuff up! On the same day that the bankruptcy case was dismissed I filed eviction papers. She knew I had her backed in a corner. Like a thief in the night they moved out of my home on November 5th. My friend called to tell me there was a moving truck at the house. YAY!!!!! As soon as I was done work I went to the house, the back door was wide open, keys were on the counter, the electric had been turned off for non payment and the house was empty except for tons of trash. While I was changing the locks she came over and told me that she wasn't done moving which I responded " well, you are now". apparently she still had some things in the basement that I allowed her to get while I waited and also told her she could come the next day. on November 8th I filed a suit against her in special civil division court. Yesterday, March 9th (4 mos. later!) we went to court. she refused mediation so we had a non jury trial. Of the $10,000 we were suing her for which included rent, attorney fees and major damages to our home we were awarded just over $6,000. we did not get attorney fees due to the lack of language in the lease which should read that " attorney fees are additional rent owed" She tried to argue that she shouldn't have to pay anything because there was mold in the bedroom. Luckily I was able to print the text messages and pictures showing the mold and her telling me it was no big deal and she cleaned it ( and a picture showing it as cleaned). The source of the mold was her hoarding stuff in the basement which got wet when they unplugged the sump pump. the lease clearly indicated that the basement was a utility space and not to be used for storage.
So, 9 months of legal battles and due to my diligence she is finally gone and we have a judgement against her. I know we will never see a penny but it was just the point that she doesn't get to make up the rules.