Originally posted by MikeOH:
I also think that the ecomony has many years of turbulent times ahead (maybe a decade). As long as an increasingly small number of taxpayers are expected to provide ever larger entitlements and handouts to an increasingly large number of people, this country will be in serious decline. A TOTAL COLLAPSE of our system and a fresh start is the only hope to restore our country to greatness (in the distant future) that it previously had. This collapse WILL happen and is a 100% certainty - the only question is whether that collapse will occur now or in a few years.
Well, there are a combination of things happening that may help pull us back from the abyss.
As I wrote on my blog today about preparing for the Obama Coronation in January, the truly wealthy pay only as much tax as they choose to pay. Since they don't tend to live hand to mouth like many Americans, they can delay or accelerate their incomes as they desire. They can choose when to realize and pay tax on capital gains, etc.
As Obama raises the taxes on the highest income levels, the revenues coming into the Treasury will drop. They always do and they always will.
To prepare, I am taking some capital gains off the table before the end of the year and setting it up so I can reduce my income for as long as I have to in order to pay same or less dollars in taxes as I do now.
I am not rich by any means, but I am grateful I don't have a debt load requiring me to generate an ever larger amount of income to cover the taxes and keep my head above water.
The net-net is as the revenues fall, there might be more pressure to reign in spending. It has happened before. Look at the Clinton budget projections before the 1994 election and after.
But, for now, it is time to make sure we as individuals can weather the perfect storm that will hit Washington in January. Pelosi in the control of the House, Reid in control of a possibly filibuster proof majority in the Senate and Obama in the White House to rubber stamp the evermore draconian socialist "reforms" we will see from Congress.