Rebecca, my dad could terminate the lease for any reason by December 31. The lease included a provision for either side to get out for any reason or none - with at least 30 days notice - in the first 3 months.
Sai, an attractive lady's greed is not going to win when my dad does not even want to marry her. And love doesn't develop in 3 weeks.
Jacob, thanks for your astute advice.
Ludmila, you are making a very good point. My dad now knows she is breaking the law by working on a tourist visa. Knowing that, he does indeed have certain obligations legally. I have already pointed this out to him. If worst came to worst, I could even report her and her employer to the INS myself. I may do this in time... No, my dad cannot move in with me. He has his own house and is settled there. I live in a separate four bedroom house where I rent out 3 of the 4 rooms to others already.
Jeanette, am not attacking anyone personally, just standing up for my positions toward those making certain (in my view mistaken) assumptions. I wouldn't read too much about intent into text posts - The tone and context of communications is lost over the internet. But having said this, your advice is helpful, so thank you.
Aaron et al, my dad was repeatedly diagnosed with serious "mental illness" - not that I believe much in the usefulness of that term - and subjected to ECT, heavy drugging, forced hospitalization, etc. He is unfortunately quite emotionally vulnerable and sometimes lacking in judgment. That is why I have responded as I have when others make mistaken assumptions about my father. I know him well, and things are difficult for him in relationships.
Todd, I have already tried to explain that my father has problems with judgment and standing up for himself. Financially, I care because my father and I previously worked in a business together and we are a close knit family who had mutually planned to keep our assets in the family. Having someone move in to a business arrangement (a lease) and then try to get a family member to marry and take over custody of their child after knowing them for only 3 weeks is disturbing. It seems like no one else has had that experience, because presumably most people don't ask you or your family member to marry them and take over custody of their kid after knowing a person for 3 weeks...