@Gabriel Guerrero
Coming from a 19 yo investor take this with a grain of salt.
Especially being in your 20s I would focus on being autonomous. Your first focus should be getting a stable income from a job. Once you have that accomplished then would be a good opportunity to house hack but you have to get your career on track first.
And until you say your vows I would keep your girlfriend out of it. It would get very messy if things go wrong.
I hope someone a bit older and wiser than I chips in. This is just my objective view as a peer to you. Figure something out career wise before you think about RE investing, even with a house hack your taking on a pretty big risk without another income and you may have trouble getting banks to loan to you.
As I said I would definitely talk to your girlfriend about it, but I would try to stay independent because if you go in together and something happens it would get very messy. Good luck