We had rented out our top unit to a seemingly nice couple, no credit and nothing for background - Sounds OK right? Well, one thing those don't tell you if they're just a pain in the *** for ***** and giggles.. I can't tell if I'm just easily annoyed because being a landlord is new to me or if they're just ungrateful. The entire house was beautifully renovated, there really shouldn't be a thing to complain about - So, with that being said, we actually get complaints about every other week and they've been in there for about 2 months.
- "There's a gap at the top of the door, can something be done about that?".. The house is not level and the gap does not expose them to any weather.
- "Can you remove this railing? My cat climbs on it and we're afraid he's going to fall and get hurt... No? Ok can you install a door for us?".. Sounds like a YOU problem
- "The water pressure isn't the best"
ALSO, when they did a walk through, the woman had asked to put thumbtacks into the wall for a "few things".. What a huge mistake, the walls are covered in band posters and knick knacks!
If anyone feels my pain, I'm glad I'm not alone.. If I need to suck it up, please advise LOL.
Maybe it doesn't help that we live in the same house? Just a few more years..