@Arthur Mayer
Hi Arthur, I run calculations for each exit or mitigation path, i.e., foreclosure, DIL, reinstatement, short sale, and modification (the latter two based on what you are willing to accept/offer).
The foreclosure path is the most expensive path and you can put a lot of weight on that one, i.e., if a foreclosure exit doesn't work, then the deal should not be done. Analyzing reinstatement is a good idea as well since it is the right of the borrower to do this. It's particularly important to consider for notes with equity, i.e., determine what your investment yield would be if the borrower reinstated the loan. Is that yield acceptable?
Note holding fees would include property taxes, insurance (if you are doing force placed insurance), and servicing over your anticipated holding period. For the foreclosure exit you would also want to account for basic preservation costs such as re-key and lock box, and interior inspection and valuation. Also include cost of sale if you are planning to sell as is, and/or repair costs if you are planning to hold and rent.
My last bit of advice here is to not plan for perfect. You need enough buffer in the deal to cover unexpected scenarios. For example, the borrower could file bankruptcy to delay foreclosure, increasing your holding time. If they file CH13, you will need to cover the expense of filing a proof of claim and possibly moving to lift stay.