What is expected from your cleaning service?
Do you consider them professionals? Are they licensed, insured? Have Workman’s Comp? Or do you hire “Truck Slammers”?
Do you/Are you willing to pay for a professional cleaning service?
On an average - Ex: 2000 sq ft’ home tenant leaves it is reasonable shape - I realize there are a lot of variables, but for all intent and purposes what is a reasonable amount you would pay a cleaning service?
Do you pay by the hour or by the sq ft?
Do you have a standard cleaning charge in your lease? Is this charge the set amount you are willing to pay for your professional cleaning service?
In the event of a “trashed” move out do you pay by the hour or by the job?
I own a pcc professional cleaning company. I have an opportunity to increase my business with rentals. I have no problems bidding and writing proposals for pcc work. I am however, unsure of how to charge or bid rentals.
You are the ones “paying” these services. Any help from your perspective can assist me with determining if rentals are another division I will be proceeding with.
Your profession has forums, books, classes etc….. to assist you with financial freedom, with do’s and don’ts; try to do market research on a opportunity that has had no “paper trail” – any and all help will be greatly appreciated.