Millennial's look at their parents,the baby boomer generation, and see them working like crazy their whole lives to keep up with the Jones and that's not the life they want. They decide that the price is too high. They don't have time for their kids or to do the things they want to do, and even after many years of hard work, they see their parents deeply in debt and not able to retire on time. Why would they want their parent's life. What is that teaching them about work? They don't know how to dream, how to set goals and go after them, so they are lazy because "What's the point of working if the government will pay me to be lazy?"
There is a statistic that "98% of people will end up dead or dead broke - depending on their family, friends, or the federal government for their main source of income by the age of 65 (!" That right there is enough motivation to make me look at what all of my peers are doing and do the exact opposite! I don't want their destiny. I want to be in the 2% who is alive & well, and financially independent at 65. That's why I like this community so much. BP is a group of people who don't just talk about what they want in life, they go out and make it happen! Since you become the average of the people you surround yourself with, this is the perfect online community to be a part of because there are a lot of 2%ers on here! : )