I know that I listened to a podcast recently where the interviewee advocated goal setting. I've only been ascribing to BP for about a month and I listen to the podcasts out of order so I'm just grasping at straws when I think it was in the 30s, 40s, 50s or 80s... In the podcast, the interviewee talked about setting 100 goals with something about the big-picture and value of doing the exercise rather than the individual goals.
Specifically, I'm less interested in goals as tasks. S.M.A.R.T. is a system that has value but is lower-level than I want to study. SMART is essentially a 2-page worksheet about writing good goals (almost tasks). My concern with tasks is that they become never-ending to-do lists. Completing the tasks are less and less fun and, by virtue of the 80/20 rule, lower and lower value.
Ferriss' 4-Hour Work Week has a section about Dreamlining that is similar to what I'd like to study. Ultimately, I'd like to find a good book around goal setting that either expands on Dreamlining or sets up a alternative philosophy / system / process.
Fwiw, here's a little of my personal story. After university (MS EE), at age 26, I set a goal to have $x assets by age 35, $2x assets by age 40. Note these goals are for assets and ignore debt. By age 45, the goal was to have $2x NET assets. To make the goal interesting, it was impossible to achieve the goal on my engineer's salary. Real estate investing was the way I picked to meet my goals. I'm 42 currently and was late with the age 40 goal but exceed it now. After conferring with my wife, the age 45 goal isn't as relevant as it used to be. Instead, my new goals are to be semi-retired (not working for "the man") by age 47 and $8x assets by age 50.
The reason I want to study goal setting is for life balance and progress. I don't want to succeed financially at the expense of family. Just like my 35 and 40 goals, it will take a minor miracle to achieve my 50 goal. Rather than using an undocumented plan, I'd to help set intermediate goals for the next 5-8 years to get to where I want to be.