@John D. I tend to follow stocks that are a little volatile. Therefore assuming the stock will move up or down. I try to get in at what I assume to be a low and immediately put a stop loss .01-.20 below the bid price. That way if I am wrong about the direction the stock is heading, I can still get out with minimal losses. However, if I am right and the stock jumps up .20, I cancel my stop and create a new one .20 higher. Then I just keep an eye on it. As the price creeps up, I cancel and create a new stop loss following the bid price by .05-.20. The closer the stop price is to the bid price, the more likely the order will fill and you will be forced to exit your position, hopefully with a gain. But then again, the higher the stop price you set, the better your chances of actually making some money. I hope that makes sense. Keep in mind, I am no financial expert. This just happens to work for me in many cases. I am not recommending any of this. This is just what I do.