Sitting here in NW Houston / cypress area (290 and Huffmiester, west of hwy 6 / 290) under tropical storm Harvey now, were higher and drier than a lot of folks, thank god for that. Please pray for those not a well off as us.
Our rain gauge shows over 12 inches so far, and we have been in sort of a weird hole in the storm a lot.
Maybe it's my engineering background, but this problem is reoccurring, and therefore, at least in theory could be mitigated simply by raising the homes. FYI, for those unfamiliar, most homes here are slab on grade and the streets are cut in to catch the water. So I'm wanting ideas and / or better options, and which is better and why ?
Plus this is a huge opportunity for the problem solvers.
Add to which I think something like 100,000 people move here each year.
1. Clear the lot and build higher. (Slow, not enough laborers and high cost problems.)
2. Jack up and repair existing homes / businesses. (This is my opinion as the best choice, please shoot as many holes as you can in this one, as I'm thinking this is where I want to head into. Slab construction is the biggest issue).
3. Clear and bring in modular homes and set them above flood plain. (fast once every thing is in motion, but many will not want cookie cutter homes, and resale sucks).
4. or????