Hey Jody thanks for the response! I love having different views/angles of a topic to digest. You are absolutely correct about the shier amount of podcast that are available to the publics disposal but this can be correlated to something like music. So many genres/artist/styles within music but even the smallest artist has their following.
To me it's not making the podcast for "someone" or a specific audience, it's more to have content out..in my own words.. that may or may not connect with the masses. I'm not sure how familiar you are with guys like Dr. Dre/ The Game/ Kendrick Lamar but they were all brought up and advertised in the same way. "1st win your local city/community then take over the world" <---World might be a bit far fetched but you can get the angle I'm going with.
My content will be a version of investing talk that is targeted to the younger crowd who may not know or understand due to the way they were raised. I myself came from poor backgrounds and living in areas that were economically challenged and lacked opportunity. Being that my mom had me young, her financial education was dismal (But she only knew to work and save, never to invest and build credit) To her credit was the "devil" LOL. So I'm looking for individuals that lack the basic knowledge of just starting out.
I think when it comes to you starting your own podcast you seem like you are very analytical about the things you do which is great! You choose to hold yourself at a much higher standard and this, although can make things challenging, it often leads you to create solid & sound ideas/projects. I encourage you to not always let the perfectionist within you always win. If we always needed things to be 100% there would never be room for growth within that process. This growth drives people to achieve more and share their story with other like minded individuals creating cycles like B/P which encourages those who know, to share. And for those who are just starting out to not be afraid to reach out and connect.
"Hussle and Motivate"