I'm not an expert, but here's my understanding after just researching this very topic. You can form an LLC in any state, not just the one you reside in. So, if you live in MI, you can form your LLC in CA for example. Some states are better than others with regards to LLCs. The state is it formed in determines laws that will be used to resolve any complaints/law suits that may come up. Some states are more "LLC friendly" than others I hear, though I don't know how much this really matters. Another thing to note is that if you form your LLC in state "A" and then want to do business in state "B", you will probably have to foreign file in state "B" in order to do business in that state. The fee to foreign file is sometime less than the fee to form the LLC, but each state varies so check the costs and see which works best for you. Again, I am not an expert and I recommend contacting an attorney about the specifics in your situation.