-When did you buy your investment property recently/where (city/state), how much did you pay, how big is it? Birmingham, AL. I paid $8000 and it's 2000 sq ft
-How much are you hoping to make on the investment? How much have you made so far? $100,000 after an $80,000 rehab
- If you are planning to buy an investment property soon, how come? The market is still hot despite what the news is saying. It may be bad for regular homeowners but for investors it's a paradise.
- What are you looking for and how come you think now is a good time? I'm looking for single family and multifamily. The need for housing won't ever go away.
- What advice would you give to others thinking about this decision? Anything surprise you? Buy as much as possible for as low as possible.
-First/last name, age, profession, city/state where they live-email for follow up questions
Stephanie J Ford AKA She-Vestor, 46, Investor/Builder, Realtor, Birmingham, AL, ck profile for contact.