For anyone who may be interested, it was an awesome night. I only put up half my signs, but I had a blast doing it. I learned some valuable lessons tonight.
1) drive the area and know exactly where you are putting them, don't trust Google maps to do it for you.
2) Have the signs ready. I bought the signs from the dollar store and wooden stakes at Home Depot. I didn't pre attach any signs to the stakes, so I was hunched in the back of my Minivan hammering signs to stakes. Have them ready. At least half of them. Some I put on poles too.
3) Wait till at least 1 am, that gives the local restaurants time to shut down and vacate the area. I had to circle back a couple times to some primo spots.
One question for the group. I live in a sort of college town, where there is a lot of student housing and such. How do guys feel about putting signs up on poles around the campus area?
Next week, I put the rest out. Now it is time to rest