Heres the info from it..
Year: 2006
Scheduled Gross Income: $13,920
Vacancy @ 20%: $2,785
Reimbursement: $0
Income Item: $0
Income Item 2: $0
Effective Gross Income: $11,134
Est. Maintenance @ 5%: $696
Taxes: $527
Insurance: $500
Utility Expenses: $2,951
Total Expenses: $4,674
Net Operating Income: $6,460
Debt Service: $4,126
Pre-Tax Cash Flow: $2,334
Expenses/Unit: $1,558.00
Unit #1
SF: 660
Avg. Mo. Rent: $400
Unit #2
SF: 480
Avg. Mo. Rent: $400
Unit #3
SF: 270
Avg. Mo. Rent: $360
Debt & Equity Information
Debt Type: Proposed
Loan Amount: $32,000
Interest Rate: 10.00%
Amortized Over: 15
Due In: 15
Annual Debt Service: $4,126
Down Payment: $8,000
OWC, so my payment would be under $450/mo PITI, electric seems about $250/mo.. $700 roughly per month.. rents seem alittle high, but even if so seems like a winner to me? any imput!? well.. please imput!
prop does look like it needs some work idk.. nothing major i dont think!