Looking for various tax strategies to reduce the reality that a large RV or boat is a grossly depreciating asset
I would not have a loan, so claiming it as a primary or secondary residence and claiming the mortgage deduction is not applicable.
I sold my primary residence and I have several rental properties which I use as I'm fixing them up.
What I'm pondering is living aboard and working aboard developing a new product, while traveling. I have other existing consumer products.
So I would outfit the RV with Solar and Starlink to provide power and internet at all times. Solar has an energy credit and Starlink is deductible as business expense. I could perhaps use Section 179 for the solar overall, as solar would be necessary, although not ordinary to conduct R & D. It seems a stretch to pay for the Rig with Section 179.
I would have development equipment onboard and dedicate a portion of the space to development
I could put the companies logo on the side as advertisement
Given this, what tax strategies are actually practical?
If I had the business headquartered at some commercial or industrial space, I could deduct the entire cost of the space. Just trying to understand what is practical applying the same to a large RV or boat