Originally posted by @John Boland:
....Even the greatest carpenter can suck at paperwork.....
While you are correct in this statement, it’s a bit out of context since we’re not talking about a carpenter. We’re talking about a manager. A critical aspect of management of anything from a frozen banana stand to a region of big box retailers is reporting to those you’re managing for. If he sucks at paperwork it is his responsibility as a manager to delegate to someone who is capable of doing it, simple as that. You may think that your asset is performing well, but in reality you have no idea since you don’t seem to have any knowledge as to how much you pay in repairs, fees, do you even know how much interest you paid on the loan he got you?
Some responders have said that your expectations are too high due to your small scale. I agree that with only one building under management you cannot expect the same level of service that a larger landlord would get, however what you’re looking for is basic info that you literally need to file your taxes.