Thanks everyone for the great feedback so far. You guys are awesome.
One thing I'm concerned about is I didn't mention that in the beginning my strategy will be wholesale and locating properties. As such, I wouldn't actually do any repairs for a while, but I would need to know the costs to see if the deal can be put together. So knowing that, would the general consensus still be to hook up with a contractor? I would think if I need to see say, 20 houses before I find a deal and none of them, including the one I contracted in the end, didn't need repairs I feel like I'd be pissing off a bunch of contractors. Any thoughts about that?
Sam Sagor, I'm very luck as my local REI club (which I haven't met yet, but will when they next meet) has a program where members can get 7%-25% off at all kinds of local places including lowes, sherwin williams, etc. That combined with my strategy of using the same people will surely net me big discounts and I appreciate your input on that. What you said about having contractors inside the building also made me think about some things I had not considered, mainly about structuring that around the permission of the seller, but I don't think that would be a problem really. If they are motivated as they should be, they should be fine with it.
@Kent Bergsagel, I had not considered an overage figure, thanks!
@ Juan S, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me that advice, especially since you are a general contractor yourself! Having what I said about me starting in wholesale, meaning I wouldn't do repairs but would just need to know repair costs for the sake of putting deals together, does that change your answers? My local REI should have a lot of real estate contacts which I hope to leverage. Putting my team together seems a daunting task right now but I will be following your advice and making sure that everyone is on the same page as far as what I will be doing. I do hope to treat everyone right, I believe in forming good business relationships. Having said that are there any specific advice on a investor-contractor relationship you can give me? Have any points that you wish all investors knew or maybe some things you've seen in your experience you feel would help investors and contractors work together better? Thanks again!