I closed on my first flip about a month ago. It took me this long to be able to talk about it because it was definitely one of those first experiences that everyone warned me I would have. I made a lot of mistakes, other people made a lot of mistakes, I cried 5 times and my husband almost cried twice. I didn't make money on this project, in fact I lost quite a bit. So this is not a success story measured by $$$$.
HOWEVER, I still consider it a success because even while I was sitting in my truck crying after yet another thing went wrong that would cost me more than I wanted to spend, I was still hopeful and even excited for my next project. I saw and experienced the negative sides of this business and it didn't scare me away.
After years of being in jobs that made me want to flee at the first sign of stress or hard times, this was the first time that I want to stick it out. I want to see what the next projects hurdles will be. I want to use my knowledge and not make the same mistakes again and see how differently that would make the process go. And that my friends feels like a huge success for me!
Don't get me wrong though, I would love for my next post to be about how successful my next project was cause I made money, but in this biz I am learning you gotta take the small wins when you get them and keep moving forward!