@Nicholas DeLouisa Jr
I truly understand how you feel. Let me take you back some years ago, with the magical power of imagination, to the point when you were first interested in becoming an electrician. Do you remember when you did not know a positive wire from a hole in the ground? And all of the pitfalls (crossing wires, not properly grounding the circuit, underpricing material, etc.) that you had not yet experienced. Do you see it in your mind? That feeling, to a greater extent, is what you are feeling right now pursuing RE. It is nothing new and we all go through it.
When you first learned your craft you had concerns, questions and was probably just itching to get your hands into something to see if you could just do it. In my opinion, you had greater risks to deal with being an electrician (electrocution, falling off of a ladder, house catching on fire, etc.) than being an real estate investor but you overcame those risks with blood, sweat, tears, knowledge and experience.
If you do choose to pursue RE then, in time, those fears and concerns will also be replaced with both knowledge and wisdom. In the end, follow your head and your heart.
I wish you Good Journey and hopfully you will choose the path that you can truly follow with all of your heart.