@Stephen Dominick - I feel your pain. It took me a long time and may painful conversations to finally get my wife on board. That was about 8 years ago and our lives have changed completely since then (from real estate and starting other businesses).
I tried a lot of different things to get my wife on board (including spending $7,500 that we didn't have on a credit card for guru training). In the end, what worked for us wasn't even about real estate, it was about figuring out what we wanted our of life together.
After many long talks, we came up with the vision for our lives and set goals/targets for 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month and 1 week. We worked backwards and basically said (in order to achieve goal x in 20 years, we would need x, and here is what we would need each smaller time period to roll-up to the next one). One of our big goals that we each had to to be able to spend time with our then future (now current) kids. We wanted to be able to stay home while they were young, coach their sports teams, etc. We also wanted to be set financially and provide options for living a great life. As we began exploring how to achieve the goals, it was obvious that working our current jobs would not get us there. That is then when I showed an example real estate deal and what it would mean in terms of income. She was still skeptical and filled with fear, but she was open to trying it. Once we purchased our first duplex and she saw the income come in, she understood and shifted to wanting to continue. Since then we have continued the process and started other businesses (such as a wine and liquor store, coaching to other couples/entrepreneurs and online businesses).
Another thing that I think helped was convincing her to play Cashflow 101 a few times. It allowed her to see different strategies and the impact vicariously. Then when we started doing it in real life, she understood how continuing down the path would get us to our goals.