Newbie here, I've been looking for years at getting started but never pulled the trigger. My current situation is this, my oldest son is autistic and we are trying to prepare ourselves to care for him our entire lives, because of this I can't fail, it's simply not an option. I feel like I have one shot and need to get it right. What I want to do is the BRRRR, but I'm concerned about financing. Due to some unfortunate circumstances early in our marriage regarding CC's our credit score is around 620. Today i have a decent job making 60k with 10 years until retirement. We have paid off all of our CC's and have 40-50k in equity in my home plus my debt to income is in the 20's. (My only debt is my house and student loans) Do you think a hard money lender would loan me money to get started if i funded the rehab? Will I be able to refinance my current home or get a HELOC? Would I be able to refinance once I was done to get my money back? Do you guys see something that would be better for me in my situation? Thank you all in advance. Btw I will only be 47 with full pension and insurance the whole 9 yards so I want to ease into it the next 10 years then be ready to plunge head long into it when I retire. You guys rock, thanks again.