I fully agree with @Amber Roy.
In the USA you have a kind of construction standardization and clear regulations who make the property rehab and management very easy compared to Italy (and the rest of the world).
Recently the Italian government approved some law impacting the market, making the already difficult rehab a nightmare.
Starting with the spreading of the smart working, a lot of Italian young professionals working abroad are coming back to Italy, they need a house.
On top of that, the Italian government approved "rientro dei cervelli" (brains return) act which brutally cuts the income taxes for the Italians who worked abroad for at least 2 years. This income tax incentives last for 5 years after you resettle to Italy and it is extended to 10 years in case you buy a house.
This trend is going to push rural towns real estate market up.
The Italian government approved even 110% bonus which pushed the rehab costs super highs resulting in shortage of contractors and construction materials as well.