You guys all have given great insight and advice, thank you! So to add a little more background, I have been a Realtor in those 2 years as well, but didn't really give much effort to that after realizing it wasn't really what I wanted to do. I kind of got the license just to get involved in real estate and possibly learn a few things about laws an such. As for what I have been doing towards the investment side, I signed up for guru trainings/seminars (nothing more than $100 per session), did direct mailings (postcards, hand written), made phone calls/text, bandit signs, drive for dollars, researched auctions. Had a few people respond but I believe mainly because they wanted to know how much I thought their homes were worth since they knew I was a Realtor. As far as money goes, I feel I have enough to make something happen but when I spoke to my loan officer that I used on the agent side, he made it seem that my work history (sales commission) needed to be two years solid at the same place in order to get approved for a loan. And since I had switched companies a few times, I have held off on trying.