I felt like you also. I was working full time 50-60 hours a week, managing our rentals (doing it all myself, no manager), taking care of my small children myself while husband works all over the United States & only home maybe 3 times a year for a few days each time. I was stressed out. We stumbled into our first rental when his oldest son couldn't keep living there, we had to do something with it. We chose to rent it out, not knowing what we were doing. Anyway, that was 2012, now we have four. I felt stretched too thin, so I suggested a rental manager and my husband said no, so I quit my job in 2016. Couldn't be happier now. Yeah, it's still stressful sometimes. I take my 7 & 8 year old with to the lease signings, to the cleaning between or painting in between, someday they will be able to help. I also now have a 2 month old and I'm thankful for the time I get to spend with her, not working that 50-60 hour a week job. I don't forsee my husband quitting his job, I don't see ever having 50-100 rentals. I'd be happy with a total of 10. Just for the extra money, not be too stressed, retire on them someday... I buy gradual so we only have one loan at a time. I'd say keep at it and it will pay off in the end. Maybe not take on as much as you have been.