As many of you have probably done before, I have a ridiculous amount of Home Depot transactions and purchases for 2020. I have items that cost me from $.25 to $1,000 and I have a few questions regarding how exactly to break everything down for tax time.
Firstly, should I be separating every box of nails/paint brush/wood and itemizing it? Or should all the small things under $75 be lump summed. If so, what tax category do these small things technically go in?
Secondly, when reviewing the IRS asset depreciation schedule, it states 5 years for appliances, do things like, ceiling fans, sinks, light fixtures, count as an appliance? Or do "fixtures" go under the 7-year category? How about tools? (Drill, Sander, Hammer, ect)
Lastly, what "renovations" can I list as repairs. Example: Replacing the horribly old/broken outlets in the house.
Thank you for taking the time to read/answer these! I hope other newbies can learn from this post as well. Please let me know if there are other considerations I should be having.