Well first, it would probably help to look at things from their perspective also. Just as you are worried about the risk of a GC walking away with your money, they have to worry about the same. I’m sure they have been shaft in the past as well. So a little good faith money up front by the investor could show that you are serious and trustworthy to pay later. With that being said, for a large job you can expect them to want a certain percentage up front. There are certain subs(pool, foundation etc.) that require money up front from them also. It can often be substantial. For a smaller job, you probably shouldn't pay until after all work is completed and satisfactory. Just make sure you get a detailed pay schedule, and that the GC meets your milestones fully before you release any checks. You should probably push for a net 30 pay schedule with your GC's. That means that you send a check 30 days after you receive the invoice and that they don't send the invoice until the work subject of that particular invoice is completed when they send it. This will give you time to check the work to make sure everything is completed and for them get anything fixed that is not up to par. Out of curiosity, what terms were the GC's asking for?