Well - my first dose of reality. My first dose of fear. And excitement. But mostly fear.
To rehab or not to rehab. That is the question.
$60K gets me into a duplex. Half is fixed up and rented (has been for 2 years), half is this. A bombshell. Missing plaster, floors and walls; but full of dead animals, leaks and holes.
So help me out in conquering my fear and putting it back into a mathematical equation. Math isn't scary - it either makes sense or it doesn't.
Owner is asking $70K I might be able to get that down to $60K. A 30-yr fixed loan at $75K (60 + 15 for commission, closing...) is $390/mo. The monthly rent is $600. I do not want to do the work myself; I'd rather get somebody who knows what they're doing to fix it up. I'm thinking that I might break even month-to-month from the rented side - but is it going to cash-flow so that I can put reserves aside for doing work? I don't have much money to put into the property myself so I'd have to get another loan to do that and then I'd be cash-flow-negative.
What would YOU do? Walk away from the deal or get creative?