@Grant Smith to answer a few other of your points.
I am also an out of state investor.
I find it hard to find reliable real estate information from friends: many do not care so much about real estate, and those who did had relatively dated information (telling me to buy in Austin TX or Phoenix AZ after the appreciation had come).
Sales people cannot give you impartial advise indeed, so you have to skip the sales talk and look at what impartial sources tell you. Like zillow home index forecast.
The home inspector can be a great asset. He is legally bound to send you a factual, written report. But when you talk to him on the phone before hiring him, you can ask him if he agrees to give you verbally his subjective impression of the state of the property. That will be a correct opinion from a pro.
As mentioned before, web sources such Neighbourhoodscout want 30 bucks a month, but it is well worth if you are going to own a house. Another product is rentfaxpro.com. Again, you spend less than 15$ to have a fact based opinion on an investment soundness.