Disclaimer: I am an attorney, but I am not your attorney. This is not legal advice, just friendly information.
Just a quick note about charging order protection, which is being thrown around a lot here. There is no one-size-fits all answer.
First, all states have charging orders as a remedy. And the vast majority have it as the exclusive remedy.
Second, that remedy often breaks down when it is a single-member LLC. A few states (like DE and WY) have made clear that charging orders are the exclusive remedy even for SMLLCs.
However, while the general rule is that a state should uphold the laws of another state's LLC, that's not always true when it comes to real estate. Because states like to keep control over land in their jurisdiction, many states will only apply local LLC protections, and ignore those fancy WY or DE laws.
Finally, if you have a WY holding company that owns a Louisiana LLC with property (where charging orders are not the exclusive remedy), that Louisiana LLC does not magically gain an exclusive remedy protection. That LA LLC could be subject to foreclosure.