For those of you not familiar with owning property in New York City, if You own a building with 3 or more units it must be registered with the city and you have to provide contact information for someone that actually lives in the city. This person, if not the owner" is call the Managing Agent.
I find myself moving away from NYC, but am not sure what to do about finding a Managing Agent. I'm looking to the forums for advise or ideas. I've found property managers very scarce here, I haven't actually found one yet. I've heard they exist and may charge upwards of 20% (may or may not be true). I don't need anyone to manage the property. I just need someone to satisfy this city requirement of having a Managing Agent.
I know there's alot of snowbirds out there that live in Florida or other places, but own property here. What does one do when they're not big enough to have a Superintendent, but just big enough to have to register with the city?
I look forward to discussing this with everyone. Thank you in advance.