Very curious about this as well. I'm in the same boat...want to try and use the BRRR strategy to maximize my capital. They talk on the podcast and books about it like it's this simple thing, but I'm not seeing how it will work based on my conversations with lenders. Using hard money and waiting 6 months to refinance would be expensive. Even with my own money in it seems like I can't refi and get it back out easily. And this is all assuming you appraise and get your 70/75% LTV you need.
Funny you mention the bankers not understanding. I explained the BRRR strategy to the loan officers and 3 of my 4 were intrigued/confused by this concept. 2 of them said no appraiser is going to increase an appraisal that much within a few month time period. It all makes me nervous to pull the trigger thinking I'll get my down payment back.
If anyone has St Louis / St Charles bank recommendations that actually work with and understand investor strategies I would also be grateful!
John and David I'll let you know if I have any luck. I plan on contacting a few more soon.