@Chris Lai I would offer that expectations are vastly different between residential and commercial. It is assumed (rightly or wrongly) most people will buy a home. The progression through life - graduate from school, get a job, rent an apartment, start a family, need more space, buy a house. So, there is an underlying assumption, anyone can buy a home - be it to live in, rent, fix and flip, etc. There are plenty of people to assist with that process - real estae agents, banks, repair people, etc.
However, when it comes to commercial there is a different expectation. You know what you are doing, and you have your "act together". There are other more profane was of saying the same thing. So, yes there are all the things that others have noted above which all point to the same thing: knowledge and more importantly wisdom. There are many in the forum which feel and promote that can be gained from reading posts, etc. Others feel mentors and coaching are key means to accomplish this. There is also the position that networking with local communities is a vital aspect in growth.
It may be one, two, three or all the above. For me, it was school, reading books (Paul Moore's book "Storing Profits" is great for self storage and applies beyond storage), mentor, and working for and in the industry all were vital in my development. There is a significant difference between information, knowledge and wisdom.
We all have access to information - google, internet, etc. Knowledge is applying information, and wisdom is having experience based upon knowledge. I would encourage all to seek as many avenues as possible to not only gain information, but also knowledge and lean into others wisdom.